From: "Jesus Christ is the Only Way to God" To: Subject: "You need the blood of Jesus" Date: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 11:03 AM Dear Friends: Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is morning time and I love the Lord. I'm trying to get in answering some emails--I always think I am going to get so much done but sometimes one email can take a long time. I am going to share this one with you. There may be something in it someone can use. ************THE EMAIL************* A young man wrote who says he is just realizing he is on a path of sin and destruction and that he was "raised in a bible believing home where fire and brimstone was the answer for sin." He hit the bottle at 17 and now finds himself thirteen years later seeking the Lord though he never thought he would. He asked me two questions--- *i dont understand the need to deny oneself as long as you are not committing a sin. ie fasting? *how do you get the faith in god when you have seen so much filth and sin in the human race?( i have seen volumes) *****MY RESPONSE******** Dear Friend: Greetings and thanks for writing. You asked two questions-- *i dont understand the need to deny oneself as long as you are not committing a sin. ie fasting? You don't need to deny yourself because you have not been born again. The scriptures say that the natural man (unregenerate) receiveth NOT the things of the Spirit of God for they are FOOLISHNESS to him; neither can he know them for they are SPIRITUALLY discerned. You are right that you do not understand the need to deny oneself. No use in trying to understand because you CANNOT. I could write two books on it and you still wouldn't understand so don't put yourself in a quandry on this. *how do you get the faith in god when you have seen so much filth and sin in the human race?( i have seen volumes) Given that you are unregenerate you are filthy and sinful, right? God did not make you that way, you are that way on your own. YOUR filth, MAN'S [filth], should cause no faith crisis in King Jesus. In fact, it should drive you to Him for HE IS HOLY. The last time that you lied, did God make you lie or did you lie because you wanted to? You lied because you wanted to. A rapist rapes 'cause he wants to, a cusser cusses 'cause he wants to, a sodomite sodomizes 'cause he wants to, a whoremonger fornicates and commits adultery because he wants to, a porno addict watches porno 'cause he wants to. KING JESUS SAID DON'T DO THESE THINGS--THIS IS MAN'S FAULT. It is foolish to lay the blame on corrupt man on the Lord. That is Satanic. There are spirits in this world and according to the scriptures you are under the sway of the wicked one, the father of lies, the tempter, the deceiver, the devil, that old serpent, and Satan. The devil has blinded your mind according to the Bible and you are subverted but at least you are asking a question--if you seek King Jesus of a truth, He WILL be found of thee. I was a whoremonger and a perverted, crooked, cussing, gossiping, unjust, lying, out of control, silly, foolish woman. I killed a child, conceived by whoredom, while it was yet in my womb. Don't think I'm being harsh with you in my above statements, I was a filthy hellbound too, I am just telling you the truth about man. I was an evil somebody my own self. But, HALLELUJAH, HALLELUJAH, HALLELUJAH, THE BLOOD OF LAMB SAVED ME! I AM TALKING KING JESUS! I am out of the realm of man, I am talking KING JESUS. The King did not let me go on in rebellion. He stopped by one day and somehow cleared the cobwebs enough that my raggedy, unrighteous, unholy, unclean, evil hindparts could be saved. I REPENTED--AND I'VE NEVER BEEN THE SAME. Now I am 36 years old. I got saved almost 11 years ago and now I see the world's system for what it is. What abomination. What a transformation God hath wrought in me. Who am I that He should quicken me together, with His own RIGHTEOUS Son, King Jesus? WHO AM I? But more than that, WHAT KIND OF MERCIFUL, MAGNIFICENT, GRACIOUS GOD [WOULD] HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH ME? WHAT KIND? This is beyond my pea brains to understand but what joy trying to find out. Now I am in the kingdom of God and the ways of the world are abomination to me. He translated me and now I LOVE THE LORD WITH A JOY AND A ZEAL THAT CAME DOWN FROM ON HIGH. I'm not talking man's wisdom, FORGET MAN, I'm talking about God, I'm talking about King Jesus. I can't stop thinking about Him. I do what the word says JUST BECAUSE KING JESUS SAID IT. He has my total allegiance. He is in ALL my thoughts, even washing dishes. And wonder of wonders the blessing of the Lord is in my whole life. I mean my WHOLE, ENTIRE LIFE. Everything around me is blessed. I liken it to the Old Testament when the ark of the covenant was in someone's home lawfully they were blessed. I walk in the fulness of the blessings of the gospel of Jesus Christ--and I know it. This is not pretend world. This is for real. You need to be saved from your sins by the blood of Jesus. I love the word and except you accept the word of God as true, you cannot be saved. You questioning fasting and faith in God...that shows right there that you don't believe the report. You can't be saved until you do. Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Don't look for the church to give you the word, you better get in it yourself and read until your change comes. Pray and start reading the gospels, get to know King Jesus better. He did not say "Seek ye me in vain". If you seek Him with your whole heart, He will be FOUND of thee. Pray, REPENT, start obeying the scriptures that you do know and keep reading the word. Don't stop. Tarry on the Lord, wait on Him, do what He says. He is God, you are dust. Humble yourself, BOW DOWN YOUR SOUL BEFORE HIM. The Lord is in his holy temple, let all the earth keep silence before him. You will either recognize Him as King of kings now or on your way to the lake of fire. The kingdom of God is not in man's sentences, like "I'm a Christian", the kingdom of God is in POWER. There is POWER in a self-denying, RIGHTEOUS life. Hallelujah! Believe in the Lord and do what King Jesus says and see for yourself. I KNOW I am a living witness. JESUS CHRIST IS THE LORD. I am not just saying it, I KNOW it by the POWER of the Holy Ghost. O taste and SEE FOR YOURSELF that the Lord is good. O that men would PRAISE the Lord for his goodness, for his WONDERFUL works to the children of men. The heavens declare the GLORY of God and the firmament sheweth his handiwork. Consider the heavens and all the creation. I mean King Jesus has set Jupiter in place, Uranus, the earth, and galaxies WITHOUT NUMBER the "astronomical" numbers that we do have are meaningless to our human being heads. Then these countless planets are suspended in a space so vast that the distances also have no conceivable meaning to our feeble round heads. I am talking about the God that created flowers so small that you cannot see them with the naked eye. King Jesus can do it all! And He DOES it all! He can even save a hellbound like you. My dear friend, the arm of the Lord is not shortened one bit. It is long, it extends, it is POWERFUL. His blood is still flowing and reaching. There is a fountain filled with blood, drawn from Emmanuel's veins, and sinners plunged beneath that flood loose all their guilty stains. You don't need more questions, you need the blood of Jesus. Hallelujah and amen. Do what is right and bow down before Him as Creator, Master, Lord, and Saviour. That is only right because it is the truth. He is overtop of you though you have not recognized it up to this point. You need His kingship in your life, His companionship, guidance, protection, love. You need to worship Him. What joy fills my heart just talking about Jesus. I love it so much. He is all in it when I speak the truth about Him. I am talking truth. Somebody has to praise the Lord or the rocks will cry out. He is too good, He MUST be worshipped. There are angels in heaven right now that do nothing but cry day and night "Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty which was and is and is to come." The Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, WERE holy from eternity past, they ARE holy right now, and they WILL BE holy into eternity future. We are talking about the "I AM" here. God lives in an everpresent NOW. He doesn't have a beginning or ending of days. HE IS. HE IS. HE IS. HE IS. HE IS. HE IS. HE IS. HE IS. I don't have explain Him or His works to you, you either want King Jesus or you don't. Why die in your filthy sins with Satan laughing his wicked lake-of-fire-bound head off when you can bow WAY down to King Jesus who is the Lord of Lords and King of kings. He is merciful, righteous and ALTOGETHER LOVELY. I'm not talking poetry. I am talking truth. I KNOW and I have the INTERNAL WITNESS. His Spirit beareth witness with MY spirit. I'm not talking guess work. I'm talking firsthand knowledge. King Jesus IS BEAUTIFUL. AND YES, HE IS WONDERFUL, COUNSELLOR, THE MIGHTY GOD, THE PRINCE OF PEACE, THE EVERLASTING FATHER--TO ME! I KNOW THIS. You receive the witness of men in newspapers, hellivision, classroom, etc. but I am here to tell you that the witness of God IS GREATER. If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater: for this is the witness of God which he hath testified of his Son. HE THAT BELIEVETH ON THE SON OF GOD hath the witness IN HIMSELF: he that believeth not God hath made him a liar; because he believeth not the record that God gave of his Son. I John 5:9-10 Ah, let God be true and EVERY man a liar. Believe the record--the word of God. REPENT YE AND BELIEVE THE GOSPEL. Without faith and obedience to the WRITTEN word you will NEVER know the Lord Jesus or the level of Christian walk I am talking about. If you do repent, you MUST stay in the word and doctrine. You've got to obey. King Jesus is not asking you to cut your arm off. He says come to Him for cleansing FROM YOUR SINS. Matt 1:21, And she shall bring forth a child; and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people FROM THEIR SINS. When you come to Jesus, you COME FOR CLEANSING. Do you want to be cleansed from sin or do you want to stay in sin with less troubles? If you want to be cleansed, come to King Jesus, the king of glory, and hallelujah, HE WILL COME IN. The Lord did not say to you "Seek ye me in vain," if you seek Him, He will be found of thee. REPENT YE AND BELIEVE THE GOSPEL. You may want to print this out and read it over and over until you get it. The Lord open the eyes of your understanding. for Jesus' sake, tracy *******LINKS*********** I also sent the follow links to this young man--- Dear Friend: After you read my first email, I suggest these links-- A look at God as lawgiver--in response to your question, how can I believe in God... God don't need us, we need Him. To get to God's home you have to get in God's way. for Jesus' sake, tracy -- **********WAR********** A reader who was in charge of the Bible section at a Christian bookstore lost his job after he visited our website and started asking questions about the NIV and Zondervan situation. Zondervan is owned by Harper's Collins, publishers of the Satanic Bible written by deadman Anton LaVey. The testimony is at His manager who let him go said you'll find the same thing with the music... Everybody who is playing with the Lord and not serious will take the mark. Many people are looking for some physical mark and some pre-tribulation rapture to take them out--and they don't know they are already right up in the midst of the beast's system. Your forehead speaks to your mind and your hand speaks to your works. I'm not saying there will be no physical mark but I do know that every church hypocrite (even those who are looking for the mark) are going to TAKE IT! Meanwhile the servants of God will be sealed in their forehead. *********VIDEOS************ Beyond the Mountain--true story, I wept ALOUD on this one, POWERFUL if you are spiritual minded. I'm not trying to sound big but what I am saying it may not be all that good to you if you are sold out to the power of God. Shout for Joy--true story, a surfer that got saved. Moody Science videos for children--they make me worship the Creator God. Shiokari Pass--true story, a man got saved (in Japan, I believe) The Touch of the Master's Hand--it is short (20 minutes), but the very last part is so awesome. This video is based on the poem that many of us have heard by Myra Brooks Welch. The last part of this video got down in my soul. This old raggedy violin was touched by the Master's hand and I mean it was shined up--I'm talking about me. All them cracks, broken strings, everything remade. Clay in Jesus' hands. I COULD NOT EVEN THINK UNTIL I GOT SAVED. Before then I had plenty of unrighteous thoughts but really I was insane, didn't know nothing about why I was created, I was in total darkness. A wolf of the evenings (ref. Jeremiah) preyed on me. He hid in my ignorance and pounced on me at will. A ravening wolf. I'm sure I have other recommendations but can't think of them now. We also have some real duds that go in the trash can. Be careful of Gateway and even some CBD films we've had a few that actually had cuss words like "Cross and the Switchblade", "The Radicals", even the otherwise excellent "God's Outlaw: William Tyndale" has one unlawful instance of the Bible word damn. I did not notice it until I had watched that particular video numerous times (I watched it when Chloe was keeping me up all night). Chuck Colson ain't no big hero but his "Born Again" video has cussing that is bleeped out. Jeremiah films has some frightening documentary videos on Bill Clinton, the one on his rise to power does not have cussing but it is scary and the other one (can't remember the name) has a woman in prison quoting a Clinton crony who said a bad word. I can't stand cussing so I have to warn you. Of course the Ted Turner videos on David, Abraham, Solomon, etc. that you can get out of the "Christian" bookstore are to be shunned. They are ridiculous inaccurate. I find I can't be around lies and a lot of Bible portrayals are filled with inaccuracies. That is why I like the series on the book of Luke from The Genesis Project (All king James but you have to ask for it.) Their Genesis series is also good but the first tape has a real naked man portraying Adam so I don't have need for that--but the one on Abraham, Issac, Jacob, Esau, Jospeh is eye opening--just using the King James (it comes in another version to so you have to request King James.) *************MAY I REHEARSE?************* The following probably may not much to many on this list, but a few may be interested in this testimony. For those who are not filled with the Spirit, you can be. If you don't know the POWER, the STRONG LOVE and ADORATION of King Jesus I'm here to tell you that it is FOR REAL. If you just stay in the word and obey it, the Lord will take you upon the high places of the earth even though no human being told you about them. EVEN in these days of apostasy. Back in November of 1999 the Lord told me "expansion" but I couldn't figure out what it meant. In December of 1999 I got a husband (same man but touched by God, hallelujah!). I soon told my husband I needed to study about "the self-life". So I went on the internet, read an article entitled, "Characteristics of the Self-life" and in January of 2000 I was confronted with the evil lodging within my heart and mind--I was very pressed down for days. It was that month that I sent out an invitation to the mailing list to join me on a voyage into the self-life. In the year 2000 I was purged so deep I wondered how I could even be saved with all the vain thoughts that were lodged within me. In December of 2000, hallelujah, King Jesus told me my basement was the place consecrated for me to pray and He also jolted me into prayer by the writings of EM Bounds. Near the end of 2000, King Jesus had Bro. Skip send me an unsolicited book entitled, "A Christian's Secret of a Happy Life" and it explained what happened to me. In 2001 The Lord told me in my prayer closet to do If 2000 had not occurred I'd have no idea about even stood for. Many things have happened to me since November of 1999, I'm not telling the half, but I have had some deep experiences through friends near and far--including baby Chloe...I look and wonder--the presence of the Lord is so heavy and palpable that I have fear though I love Him... Today I stand exulting in the kingdom of God and continue to approach unto Mount Zion, the city of the living God. for Jesus' sake, tracy ==^================================================================ This email was sent to: EASY UNSUBSCRIBE click here: Or send an email to: T O P I C A -- Register now to manage your mail! ==^================================================================