From: "Jesus Christ is the Only Way to God" To: Subject: Hinduism Date: Saturday, August 04, 2001 6:55 PM Dear Christian Friends: Greetings in the name of the ONLY wise God and Saviour Jesus Christ. A few months ago, I read "Death of a Guru" the autobiography of Rabi R. Maharaj. As usual, I made notes as I read it. The Lord led me to begin an article on it and since then I've received some questions concerning Hinduism. Today I finished formatting my notes and have published an article at As I read the book, I found the Hindu "Shakti pat" quite interesting for it sounds identical to the "slaying in the spirit" that many churches are doing today. We've got to stick with the word. If you want to read the book, the information is near the beginning of thee Hinduism article. I really don't do much research on cults anymore. I've tried to list some major errors on the website so that folks know how to identify a cult. I have renewed the domain name for a number of years and have no intention of taking it down (some have asked about that). I probably have over 300 emails to answer--and I intend to answer them all. Please be patient with me. I'm trying to finish up a Christian History correspondence course I'm taking through Bob Jones so it will have my attention for a little while. Some time ago, I mentioned a "Fire" slideshow. It looks as if it will be part of a larger slideshow entitled, "Redemption". I've got the basic outline down, but I perceive that one will take some time because it will chronicle from the creation until the destruction of the world. Lord willing, I'll let you know when it is done. Grace and peace to all those who love our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in sincerity. for Jesus' sake, tracy ==^================================================================ EASY UNSUBSCRIBE click here: Or send an email To: This email was sent to: T O P I C A -- Register now to manage your mail! ==^================================================================