Dear CHRISTIAN Friends:

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ. Truly God is good to Israel,
even to such as are of a clean heart (Ps 73:1). Children of obedience
KNOW the truth of this scripture.

Bro. Dave requested that I resend the email, "Heal the land" which was
sent out Friday, November 17, 2000, a little over a year ago. I pray
and trust that it will help some one. Before we get to "Heal the Land",
I'd like to share a few thoughts...

These are the days of apostasy. A false gospel abounds. Bill Murray
said, "There aren't three churches out of 100 preaching the gospel".
He's right. Truth is fallen in the stree. If you know gospel truth, TELL

Those of us that know the truth have to tell it. I was saying some hard
things to a woman the other day and I admitted that I kept saying the
same thing to her over and over. She said, "Don't apologize for it,
when you are trying to break the chain off of somebody you have to keep
hammering at that chain." She recognized that she was in bondage and
willing to hear the TRUTH--that is what will make the people free. Not
patting them on the back and saying "it will be alright." It WILL NOT
be alright if they don't get with the doctrine of Jesus Christ.


Another thing. People do not always hear "thus saith the Lord" the
first time you tell them. Their physical ears may hear some words, but
those words don't sink down...and so we tarry on the people just like
God tarries on us. I've had relationships spanning YEARS where I
haven't see any great fruit. But every once in a while, the Lord will
show me when the breakthrough is about to occur in a person. It makes
me happy in my soul. We have to toil and labour. We have to work that
soil and sow the seed which is the word of God. We have to wait for the
early and latter rains--and we let the Son shine down and it is HE that
will bring forth the increase. We have to stay in the word so that we
can break it down to the people.


I was in my truck one day on the way home and as I sat at a stop sign
the Lord put something in my mind. I see people start in the Christian
race but then they leave it for the dung of the world. He put in my
soul that a thousand may fall at my side, and ten thousand at my right
hand; but it shall not come nigh me (ref Ps 91:7). We've got to get up
under the Lord. Stay close. Be totally dedicated unto Him. We are
bought with a price; therefore we glorify God with our body and with our
spirit (I Cor 6:20).

What did Paul mean when he said he served God "in my spirit in the
gospel of his Son" (Ro 1:9)? You have to get totally immersed and
saturated with the gospel of Jesus Christ. It has to be refreshing to
your soul. King Jesus is so desireable. I don't have to work up that
mindset--it is truth. For those that don't know what I am talking about
you need to get a hold on the book of Romans. Don't just read some
words. Think about what each verse is saying. Romans is a book to get
a hold on. It presents the King of glory in exceeding attractive terms.

To serve the Lord in your "spirit in the gospel of his Son" means the
gospel must be all consuming to you. You have to STUDY it. You have to
give yourself over to the gospel of Jesus Christ. You have to live in
the blood and in the Spirit. As many as are LED BY THE SPIRIT OF GOD
THEY ARE THE SONS OF GOD. If you live after the flesh, ye shall die.
But if ye THROUGH THE SPIRIT do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall
live (see Ro 8).

Sometimes people ask me how to be strong in the Lord. You've got to
labour in the doctrine. Folks running around wanting signs and wonders
and sometimes even power, but they don't have the word in them. God
does everything BY HIS WORD. He created the heaven and the earth BY HIS
WORD. If you want power to live unto your Creator, you have to get in
the word. Study. Even when you don't know what it means, keep going.
There may be things you don't understand, BUT THERE IS ENOUGH YOU DO

Some people ask how they can hear God's voice. That only comes through
OBEDIENCE to THE WORD. People want to dream dreams, see visions, and
prophesy, but they are not holy. They do unholy things and have nasty
habits like the sci-fi channel, soap operas, etc. Even going to church
ain't going to get you where you are trying to go. You have to serve
the Lord IN YOUR SPIRIT in the gospel of His Son. You have to love the
Lord more than any lust that you have. You have to be willing to give
up anything that is against sound doctrine. You have to BOW DOWN to the
word. Jesus MUST reign SUPREME. He MUST have the PREEMINENCE. His
name is THE LORD and His glory will He not share with another. He is
not going to play second fiddle to no one and no thing. You have to BOW

Sometimes in my flesh, I don't feel like going all the way down to the
basement to pray. But you see, my flesh does not run the show--the Holy
Ghost does--therefore I take my raggedy hind parts down there and pray.
I am LED BY THE SPIRIT. I do not make my own decisions. The word says
to pray without ceasing, therefore that is what I do. This is not some
big hard equation. Read the word and do what it says to do. Only then
will you have the power. You'll sparkle and you will be a light in the
midst of the midnight that we live in.

Many Christians do not pray right and don't pray enough. I only
recently learned how to pray better than I did in the past. Now, I know
that I MUST pray. I get power, annointing, instruction, revelation,
love, comfort, and more in prayer. I give God the glory in prayer. I
worship Him and praise His name for His excellent greatness. I commune
with the Father and He holds me together in His beautiful hand. I love
to go out back in the middle of the night and talk to the Lord. He is
my Friend and my Confidant. I don't have to call around town trying to
look for answers to my dilemnas. I go talk to my Father my own self.
WE ARE A ROYAL PRIESTHOOD--I can pray for my own self and I can pray for
the weak.

I talk to God about everything--the internet ministries, my housework,
everything. I talk to Him with confidence because I am His child and I
keep His commandments. Nothing is too hard for the Lord and His arm is
not shortened. King Jesus created all things including those big huge
planets. Jupiter, the milky way, Alpha Centauri, Orion, the Pleiades,
and ones we don't know, HE CALLETH THEM ALL BY NAME. The heaven of
heavens cannot contain Him and He is the One that created diamonds and
the other riches of the earth. When I have an issue, I go to my Father.

We are God's workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto GOOD WORKS. Paul
told Titus, "be careful to maintain good works". In my life, I go from
doing one good thing to another. I don't sit around saying "next week
I'll do this, next year I'm going to that place." The Lord has put in
me to REDEEM THE TIME RIGHT NOW, this moment, this second. Whoever I am
talking to, I am engaged in that conversation. When I go wash clothes,
I've got my gospel music on or a Scourby video that has nature scenes
and the King James Bible being read, or something that adorns the
doctrine of God my Saviour. When I go shopping I ask the Lord "let not
mine soul be lifted up unto vanity." Do EVERYTHING in the name of
Jesus. If you can't ask God's blessing on what you are doing, you are
sinning. Early in my walk I read about Dorcas in Acts. It said she was
full of good works. I asked the Lord to make me like that. He granted
that request. If you ask for something righteous, you will get it--and
more. I abound in joy and love and peace.

If you have been born again and don't have a firm hold on the book of
Romans -- YOU ARE AT A SEVERE DISADVANTAGE. If any man lack wisdom, let
him ask of God who giveth to all men liberally and upbraideth not.


From: jesus_is_lord <tra-@jesus-is-lord.com>;
To: List Member <webma-@jesus-is-lord.com>;
Subject: Heal the land
Date: Friday, November 17, 2000 4:03 PM

Dear CHRISTIAN Friends:

Greetings in the name of the ONLY wise God and Saviour Jesus Christ.

A few months ago I was formatting some horrifying articles for the
website--just more wickedness from the fools of this world--but as I
pondered these horrors an even GREATER horror came upon me. I
understood that the GREATEST horror in the world is the state of the
professed church--bar none. After I looked at the church, I looked at
myself. Judgment must begin at the house of God. Many Christians want
to hear the "juiciest" news off the presses, simply to satisfy evil
curiosity. But their eyes glaze over when the focus turns to what they
need to do to become a praise to the name and doctrine of King Jesus.

This email has information in it that can change some Christian's life
out there. It can greatly aid another. My mind and life have been
revolutionized through the precepts outlined herein. I've been
overtaken and my mind is becoming like a steel trap as I continue on in
the doctrine of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I'm talking pure
doctrine from the King James 1611, not corrupted, perverted doctrine
like the NIV, NASV, NKJV, et al.

Father God, please minister this information to the souls that read it
that Thy name and doctrine would be magnified. In Jesus' name, Amen.

*****HEAL THE LAND*****

2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are CALLED BY MY NAME, shall
HUMBLE themselves, and PRAY, and SEEK my face, and TURN FROM THEIR
WICKED WAYS (including hellivision & other evil communications); then
will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will HEAL THEIR

Friends tell me that folks are talking a lot about politics these days.
I don't care about politics and this email has NOTHING to do with

The LAND needs to be healed and I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT the United States
of America. I am talking about Christians, those called by Jesus' name.
Every one of us is LAND--we are made out of dirt! As one of our
deacons says, "We just some dirt walkin' 'round with clothes on."--

Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of THE DUST OF THE GROUND, and
breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living

1 Corinthians 15:47-49 The first man is of the earth, EARTHY; the
second man is the Lord from heaven. As is the earthy, such are they also
that are earthy: and as is the heavenly, such are they also that are

We physically bear the image of dust and earth right now. We are the
land, the earth that needs to be healed. Our natural father was Adam. A
transgressor. A law breaker. A rebellious man who reproached his God.
As a result, we were conceived in iniquity. For 25 years I looked just
like my earthy father and his first son, Cain. But, halleluljah! I
wasn't left hopeless. The SECOND man came, the SECOND Adam IS the Lord
from heaven! Though I am dirt on the outside, I have taken on the
nature of the second Adam-- Jesus Christ. I died with Jesus yet I'm
still living--

I am crucified with Christ: neverthless I live; YET NOT I, BUT CHRIST
LIVETH IN ME: and the life which I now live in the flesh I LIVE BY THE
Galatians 2:20

I was buried with Him in baptism and I've been raised from the dead by
the POWER of God! Hallelujah!!! I ONLY live by the faith of the Son of
God. I am now violently taking the kingdom of heaven by force (Matt

(1) I VIOLENTLY REND myself FROM following this world and
(2) VIOLENTLY have a lockhold ON King Jesus and His doctrine. I embrace
it ALL by the keeping power of God. Mine eye is SINGLE with no part

Can you see the double-edge sword here? Cut off from the world and
attached to Jesus and His doctrine.

O that men would praise the Lord for His WONDERFUL works to the children
of men. The Lord is working miracles on men, women, boys and girls
TODAY. I have to look no further than myself. The following is an
accurate depiction of what I was--

Isaiah 1:6 From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is NO
have not been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified with ointment.
1:7 Your country is DESOLATE, your cities are burned with fire: YOUR
LAND, STRANGERS DEVOUR IT in your presence, and it is desolate, as
OVERTHROWN by strangers.

My name was once "Overthrown" but now it is "OVERCOMER"! HALLELUJAH!
BLESSED BE THE NAME OF THE LORD! My allegiance will be to King Jesus
until I die. Nothing of this earth will receive my strength. This
world once used me. Now I use IT. I will exploit it for the kingdom of
heaven's sake--whether this computer, that car in the garage, the
clothes in my closet, whatever, ALL OF IT will be exploited for the
kingdom's sake.

My land has been healed so that I know my Master but King Jesus has
shown me that there is much other land out there that needs to be
healed. Christian Reader, it's time for a NEW DAY. No more being
conformed to the earth and the world but being TRANSFORMED BY THE
Your head is the highest place on your body. The mind is where the
battle ground is.

**Matthew 22:37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God
with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with ALL THY MIND.

**Romans 8:5-7 For they that are after the flesh do MIND the things of
the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit.

**Ephesians 4:23 And be renewed in the spirit of your MIND;

**Hebrews 8:10 For this is the covenant that I will make with the house
of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I WILL PUT MY LAWS INTO
THEIR MIND, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God,
and they shall be to me a people:

**I Cor 2:16 For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may
instruct him? But WE HAVE THE MIND OF CHRIST.

**Romans 15:6 That ye may with one MIND and one mouth GLORIFY God, even
the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

4:8 Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands,

Professed Christian, where is your MIND today? Does it give ALL of its
strength to the Lord or is it a dividedk double mind? Is EVERYTHING you
do directed to God's glory or is it half-and-half? Half for God's glory
and half for your own corrupt pleasure? For many, it is 0% for God's
glory and 100% for their own corrupt pleasure. They go to church when
THEY FEEL like it. They read the Bible when THEY FEEL like it. Obey
the Bible when THEY FEEL like it. They pray when they are in trouble
and FEEL like it. They tithe when THEY FEEL like it. They say that
they know King Jesus but IN WORKS THEY DENY HIM (see Titus 1:16). They
have no relationship with Him. They hear the gospel message and are
like the people that came to Ezekiel--

Ezekiel 33:31-32 And they come unto thee as the people cometh, and they
sit before thee AS my people, and they hear thy words, BUT THEY WILL NOT
DO THEM: for with their MOUTH they shew much love, BUT THEIR HEART goeth
after their covetousness. And, lo, thou art unto them AS A VERY LOVELY
SONG of one that hath a pleasant voice, and can play well on an

Professed Christian, where are you at this moment? Do you hear the
voice of King Jesus or do you hear (and respond to) lots of voices?
What is your reason for living today? Im' not talking theory, but in

(1) I live to glorify the name of Jesus Christ and His doctrine at ALL
(2) I live for myself and what I feel like doing.

I've met and heard from very few that are in category number 1. King
Jesus is a byword for most people that call themselves Christians. He
is not in all their thoughts. They watch unholy movies and know the
latest hellivision shows. What they put in their hearts comes out.
They do what they feel like and live like citizens of the devil's
kingdom even though they can quote a few Bible verses. This is a great
tragedy and blemish on the name and doctrine of the Lovely One.

Luke 18:8 ...when the Son of man cometh, SHALL HE FIND FAITH ON THE

Shall He?

Number 1 should be the goal and creed of everyone that names the name of
Christ. If that is not your goal, YOUR LAND NEEDS TO BE HEALED. It is
putrified and has not been bound up. I'm sure it stinks.

working, soulwinning or doing housework), DO ALL TO THE GLORY OF KING
JESUS AND HIS DOCTRINE. If you cannot ask Jesus' blessing on something
you are doing, no matter how small, then it is SIN. For whatsoever is
not of faith is sin.


King Jesus will OVERTAKE any willing body. Just

(1) Read the King James Bible daily
(2) Get sick of disobeying the Bible
(3) Get sick of living lukewarm and careless
(4) Get sick of looking like a creature of the world
(5) Desire to have the mind and attributes of Christ
(6) Open up the door of your life (Rev. 3:20),
(7) Violently cast down the flesh, the devil and the world (rend
yourself from these)
(8) violently lift up Jesus' name and doctrine (embrace and get a
lockhold on the Jesus of the King James Bible)

and THEN King Jesus will come in like a consuming


King Jesus' DOCTRINE (King James 1611) will BURN UP the chaff in you, it
will SPREAD to every area of your life, it will ILLUMINATE your way, it
will WARM your soul. This fire will also LIGHT other fires. Others
will simply be WARMED by it while still others will gaze at it as it
shines in the midnight of the times we live in.

Psalms 24:7 Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye LIFT UP, ye
everlasting doors; and THE KING OF GLORY SHALL COME IN.
24:8 WHO IS THIS KING OF GLORY? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD
mighty in battle.

Come in, King Jesus, and have YOUR OWN WAY. You can have WHAT You want,
WHEN You want it, and HOW You wants it. We will submit ourselves to
Thee WITHOUT ABANDON for Thy precepts, statutes, commandments, judgments
are holy and right.

King Jesus created this whole world. He rules over tornados,
hurricanes, volcanoes, lions, alligators, blizzards, flies, daisies,
rocks, trees, and the raging sea. Only one creature goes contrary to
nature--man. A bee and a snake is smarter than man. They do what they
are supposed to do while man sits around looking like a fool disobeying
the Lord. Just like King Jesus rules the raging sea and winds...

               He will rule over YOU if you let Him.


As you rend yourself from this world and follow after Christ, you will
hear the voice of God more distinctly. You will grow more in love with
King Jesus. Make praise your lifestyle. It has revolutionized my
Christian life over the past 11 months. The Lord is SO good that He
must be praised. If human beings don't do it, THE STONES WILL!

Luke 19:40 And he answered and said unto them, I tell you that, IF

The stones ain't going to cry for me, I'M GOING TO PRAISE HIM FOR MY OWN
SELF! God is so GREAT that those heavenly beasts can't stop praising
the Lord--

Revelation 4:8 And the four beasts had each of them six wings about
him; and they were full of eyes within: and THEY REST NOT DAY AND NIGHT,

Learn how to praise the Lord with your life (by keeping & confessing His
commandments) and with the fruit of your lips. The Bible says that God
inhabits the praises of His people. If you do not know how to praise
the Lord with your mouth,

(1) start reading Psalms out loud.
(2) Get yourself an old timey hymn book and start singing some

Take Time to Be Holy
Rock of Ages
Faith of our Fathers
Am I a Soldier of the Cross?
A Mighty Fortress is Our God
Sweet Hour of Prayer
Deep Deep Love of Jesus
Peace Be Still
Jesus Lover of My Soul
Be Thou My Vision
Wayfaring Stranger; and,
Golden Bells.

(3) Pray out loud with fervency.
(4) Talk about the merits of King Jesus, they are very many.
(5) Lift up Jesus as you talk with another Christian and both of y'all
will get to shoutin'.
(6) When you are in church meditate on the good doctrine you hear in the
preaching, praying, and singing.
(7) Give THANKS in ALL things for this is the will of God in Christ
Jesus concerning you.
(8) Take time to REMEMBER all the awesome things King Jesus has done for
you. Don't be like the forgetful Israelites who set up a fake god right
after they were delivered with so great a deliverance from Egypt.

Let praise become your lifestyle. It'll take you to a new place in your
walk with Christ. Learn to praise the Lord, He is WORTHY of your
praise. Somebody MUST praise the Lord or else the STONES WILL DO IT!

LEARN to give King Jesus the praise due His name.

Just like people shout for professional sports that don't mean anything,
I shout for King Jesus--and I am not exaggerating. God does not take
pleasure in the legs of a man and neither do I--

Psalms 147:10 He delighteth NOT in the strength of the horse: he taketh
NOT pleasure in the legs of a man.

On the other hand, I DO take pleasure in Jesus. Exceeding much
pleasure. He is my balm in Gilead. He is the Great Physician that
healeth the sin sick soul. King Jesus has been AWESOME to me. He STAYS
awesome. Everything about Him is GORGEOUS. I love looking at Him. No
part dark. Just gorgeous looking. Look at Him long enough and you'll
look like Him! That is how beautiful, awesome and powerful He is. As He
is, so are we in this world. When the Lord shows me ugly things about
myself, they look exceeding ugly because I know how gorgeous He is. I
can say like Isaiah, "Woe is me! for I am UNDONE; because I am a man of
unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for
mine eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts."

Praise ye the LORD. The more I praise Him the more I want to praise
Him. His merits are so many. I love talking about them. I get on a roll
and don't want to stop. He is so awesome it is no surprise that people
don't want me to stop talking about Him. If I was sittin' around
talking about my own corrupt self it would be a different story. Lift
Him up and He will draw all men unto Himself.


Some want to know why I have not been writing to the list. King Jesus
has been purging me so I can see more. Back in January of this year
(2000) I sent out an email to this list inviting others to go on a
voyage into the "self-life" (an ugly thing) with me. I was pressed down
when I wrote the email, but had no idea of the deep purging I would
undergo. I've been undone several times this year, but King Jesus has
comforted me through the scriptures and changed me. He did not do this
for my glory--FORGET MAN. He did these things for HIS OWN glory. Some
amazing things have happened to me this year. I was going to try to
give some details but it is so much. King Jesus had something for me to
do within my local assembly but some things had to be burnt off. He
gave me visions and understanding before it came to pass. For those
interested, you may want to read the text that was preached in my church
last Sunday. It is really an outline for what happened to me. The
sermon text was I Samuel 10:1-11. The preacher said when he first read
it, he wondered "Why all the details,
why not just the meat?" He said the Lord told him, "That IS the MEAT!"
Hallelujah and amen. The Lord had this preached less than a week after
I saw what all the purging was about.

The Lord is doing other things in my life but I have to run on some more
before I can share what is happening. Over these past months, I was
acutely aware that I wasn't writing to the list they way I have in the
past, but there was nothing I could do about it. If the Lord does not
move me, I cannot write. He refocused my attention for a while. I
perceive that as I am further exercised, I'll pass on what the Lord
gives me--gotta learn it first.

I've included a copy of the January 2000 "voyage into the self-life"
email at the end of this email.

I desire to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ and the only
way that I can have more is if I am pure. PURE in mind (2 Peter 3:1),
PURE in doctrine (Titus 2:7) and PURE in heart (Matthew 5:8). I will
have my petition because Jesus said I would--

Matthew 5:6 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after
righteousness: for they shall be filled.


Isaiah 62:12 And they shall call them, the holy people, The redeemed of
the LORD: and thou shalt be called, SOUGHT OUT, A city not forsaken.

1 Peter 1:13 Wherefore GIRD UP THE LOINS OF YOUR MIND, be sober, and
hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the
revelation of Jesus Christ;

James 1:12 Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is
tried, he shall receive the CROWN OF LIFE, which the Lord hath promised

John 7:18 He that speaketh of himself seeketh his own glory: but HE

Proverbs 20:6 Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness: but a
FAITHFUL man who can find?

Who hath believed the report? Who will embrace all that it is? A
faithful man who can find? Lord of the harvest, please send forth
laborers into Thy harvest.

for Jesus' sake,
sis. tracy

                         Jan 06 2000 13:30:58 EST
                         jesus_is_lord <tra-@jesus-is-lord.com>;
                         A disturbing, yet exciting, voyage

           [Reminder: This list is for Christians. The natural man
cannot receive or understand the things of the Spirit of God.]
           [Note: I'm behind on my e-mails, but Lord willing, I plan to
write everybody. I received a lot of good input to the last email.]

           Dear Christian Friends:

           A few days ago, while riding in the car I told my husband
that I needed to examine my self-life. The first time I considered "the
self-life" concept was when I read A.W. Tozer's book, "The Pursuit of
God". An older lady lent it to me fairly early in my Christian walk and
it spoke to me. She told me she had read it many times.
           In one section of the book, the author talked about how we
are so attached to certain sins that we perceive that they are simply
part of our personalities. At that time, I thought about my independent
           After looking at it, I saw it for what it was--REBELLION.
Recognizing that fact was the first step to being rid of it.
           Well, it has been some years since that revelation but in
recent days the Lord has brought my mind back to "the self-life". I
just did an internet search on "self-life" and I found a highly
disturbing tract that spoke to me. To my shame, I saw myself
throughout it. Yet, in spite of my horror, I feel a certain (small,
very small) measure of excitement because the Lord is revealing the
impurities to me. He will refine me if I am willing to cooperate. Oh,
that the malignant, sinful self-life may be completely excised from my
soul! Oh that my soul would be conformed to the image of     the Son of
God. I've published "Characteristics of the Self-life" on the website
at http://www.jesus-is-lord.com/selflife.htm. It was on a few websites
and it was not attributed to any author--whoever it was, they were wise.
[A.W. Tozer's book, The Pursuit of God, is also on the site now
http://www.jesus-is-lord.com/tozer.htm ]

           In starting my journey into "the self-life" I've printed out
the self-life tract for closer study and I've gone down to the basement
to get my copy of "The Pursuit of God".   It is time to revisit this
worshipful book. It is a most worthy edition to any Christian's
bookshelf. It is found on-line at
I recall that in the book there were some references with which
I did not agree, but that will not stop me from delving back into this
valuable treatise. There are some weighty things there for those who
are interested in letting judgment begin in their own souls. The
KJ Bible and these two resources are a good start for an examination of
the self life.

           I don't know how long this voyage will take. Things are
exceeding busy around here--but I wanted to share with those who may be
interested in a trip such as this...


           for Jesus' sake,