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Archive for jesus_is_lord: Message #6

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Date: Jun 18 1998 10:14:32 EDT
From: jesus_is_lord <>
Subject: The end is closer than we think

Dear Friends:

I am going to be attending a King James Bible conference so I'll be away
for about 10 days.  I've been reflecting on a few things and believe that
they are worthy of sharing...

This internet ministry has opened my eyes to (1) how much this world hates
Jesus, (2) how many have fallen away from the faith, (3) HOW JESUS HAS
are to being killed on a massive scale for our faith.

You know how you hear the wicked cry, "No censorship, no censorship!" all
the time?  Well, guess what--these same duped people are trying to censor
our website,  We are on multiple hate lists, some of
which have cooperative agreements with internet filters like SurfWatch.
When you install these filters on your machine, you think they will just
filter out porno, but this is not necessarily so--they can also filter out
predetermined sites.  At the UN Interpol site (yes the United Nations)
they have a list of sites that watch "hate groups" is
on at least two of these lists.  They have us listed as "anti-Christian"
which is ridiculous.

This is all old news to me, but I thought I would just let you know that
the day will come when we will be silenced.  Work while it is day for the
night cometh when no man can work.  When we first started this ministry, I
asked myself, "Can anybody get saved through a computer?" Bless God, He
has shown me over and over that the answer is YES!  Bless God!

I want this letter to encourage all our Christian friends to stand up in
this last day and proclaim the gospel loudly!  One sold-out Christian can
put to flight 10,000 in Satan's army!  God is powerful-- read your King
James Bible, OBEY it, cast off the works of darkness like tv and secular
music, go to church, help the saints however you can, tithe, and SERVE THE
LORD FOR HE ALONE IS WORTHY of all our contemplation and effort.

Be blessed Christian friend.

For Jesus' sake,
Sis. Tracy

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